2 Day pistol class enhancing the skills of the individual that carries every day. Class will focus on the effiency of appendix inside the waist band (AIWB) and the implementation of a red dot on your pistol. Topics covered in AIWB: Holster selection and placement, draw techinque will be covered in extreme detail from start to the final presentation, and a variety of drills to validate the techniques that are being implemented. Red dot topics being covered: Zeroing, selection of dots, slide milling, finding the dot on presentation EVERYTIME, multiple aiming techniques, back up iron sights, and why using a red dot is superior. After this class the student will be able to expand upon their every day carry skills and self-diagnose to keep their shooting skills at a high level. Each day students will have an opportunity to shoot the “Point 1 Tactics Elite Pistol Performance Standards”.
***You do not have to carry AIWB to take this class, but please note this class is primarly focused on the AIWB carry postion***
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